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No more email surprises

Since I use ReadIt, I always exactly know when someone has read my important emails. Even if they don’t reply.

With ReadIt, you can choose to track certain important emails. Then when the receiver doesn’t reply, you know if he has read it and ignored you, or if the email has been lost in their inbox.

How it works

In the simple dashboard, you can add a tracker for a certain email. You can enter the subject, receiver and some other details. You then get a url that you have to place as an image in your email. This is a 1 pixel image that gets loaded when they open their email.

You can also choose to install the browser extension. Then, in Gmail, you get an extra button to “Track this email”, and then everything gets added automatically for you.

Then in you dashboard you get a compact overview of when your email was read, on which operating system and which browser + version.


  • DB + Auth: Firebase
  • Frontend + Api: NextJS, Shadcn
  • Extension: ReactJS
  • Hosting: Vercel

Currently this site is supported in all major browsers on and it best works in Gmail.