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Find the perfect movie for everyone in a group!

A mobile phone with the moviefinder startscreen

No more group fights

Pick a movie that everyone in your group likes. No more irritated people because they don’t like your movie choice.

With MovieFinder every person in a group can decide which movies they want to see in the app. Then when the time has come to watch the movie, the most voted for movie gets picked to maximize the happy people count.

This app works best with medium sized groups (5-15 people).

How it works

Before the movie night, everyone enters the app and constantly gets a movie suggestion. They then either swipe it away, or like it (like Tinder for movies).

With each movie they get a short description, the movie trailer and the genres. Then when everyone has voted, you can see which movies had the most positive votes.


  • DB + Auth: Firebase
  • Frontend: Flutter
  • Movie API: The Movie Database (TMDB)
  • Hosting: Firebase (web) + Google Play (Android)

Currently this app is available on Android and Web. Support for IOS will be added later.