

Check it out!

FamilyPlanner is a tool specially made to help you and your family organise daily tasks and communicate better.

A collage of different familyplanner screens

No more miscommunications in your family

Sometimes my parents got home and they both bought the same groceries. Then we had double of what we actually needed 🥲

FamilyPlanner is based on lists. Assign tasks to other members, claim tasks, even get points when you finish a task and climb on the family leaderboard!

How it works

After creating an account, you can join your family group. Everyone has two types of lists: shared and private lists. Private lists are like a To Do list, and shared lists can be things like groceries. Family members can also assign certain lists to you, and add to do items on your list.

You can then also assign a certain number of points to each task and when someone finishes it, he earns those points. Like that you can compete with your family on the leaderboard.

It’s also possible to completely customise your dashboard by pinning certain lists.


  • Frontend: ReactJS
  • DB: MongoDB
  • Mail Service: NodeMailer
  • Backend: ExpressJS
  • Hosting: Netlify + Railway

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